Monday 29 March 2010

Our misery great

Absolutely. Our misery is great, and praise God He showed me that. None of us enjoys going through conviction of sin, but having been 'blessed' with seven years of conviction of my own sin and misery, the release was all the sweeter when at last my soul was 'taken from the miry clay' and put on a rock. Sweet, sweet was salvation. Sweet was my Saviour, who saved a wretch like me. When these things are a reality, they are very precious.

Amazing Grace, the hymn, says these words:
'T was grace that taught my heart to fear...
It was only a few months ago, whilst singing these words to myself, that they struck me. All these years of conviction were ALL OF GRACE! It was God's grace as surely as His deliverance was! It's so obvious, but it really struck me that day a few months ago.

And having been taken from the fearful pit and from the miry clay, you'd think I would live 'heartily' for the Lord. I think so often, and pray the words,
'Take my life, and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee'
And yet, I sing them, I say them, I pray them, but do I really mean them. Really, really mean them? Am I willing for every single are of my life to be taken and to be consecrated to the Lord? If so, why do I remain so worldy? Why would I waste time on things that don't profit my soul? Words are easy, but these words are HUGE. I want to mean them. I want to mean them with my whole heart, but I think Grace alone will take me wholly to that place.

1 comment:

  1. My heart resonates with what you've shared in this post.

    "And yet, I sing them, I say them, I pray them, but do I really mean them. Really, really mean them? Am I willing for every single are of my life to be taken and to be consecrated to the Lord? If so, why do I remain so worldy?"

    What a good and timely reminder, it is all of grace. Beginning to end. I love how you end, "but I think Grace alone will take me wholly to that place."

    I have been reading "The Valley of Vision" lately. And when I read those prayers, and see how thoughtfully and carefully each prayer is written, my heart is pricked at that thought of how possibly careless my prayers must seem. But then the Spirit reminds me of my Intercessor, who takes all of my petitions and makes them right before our God.

    He alone makes us right, before our God. Grace.
    Marvelous Grace.
